Have you ever just sat in your room and thought about how you can better yourself?
Well one topic I think I lack the most in is consistency.
This is one of the keys to success in my opinion. This is Terri speaking by the way ha!
In order for anything in life to work one must have some type of consistency. If there is no consistency in your life then nothing will go according to your plans. Now others, may disagree however I believe this to be so true.
Lets start with the definition of consistency.
"Agreement or harmony of parts or features to one another or a whole," thanks merriam-webster.com!
I decided to talk about this topic because it not only pertains to myself but to Divine Artistries as a group.
We must be consistent.
We must work together to better each other.
We must trust one another.
We must work together to better each other.
We must trust one another.
A former boss of mines told me how she rates every restaurant she dines at. She said if their food is good the first time that does not mean the next time will be the same. If their service and food is good that second, third, fourth, and fifth time then she gives them a thumbs up for their consistency in good service and food. Because of her that is how I now rate everyplace I go. Nail shops, restaurants, hair salons, etc. I rate them all on their consistency.
Everything in life is all about consistency...
Lets think about it this way ladies..
If you aren't consistent with taking care of your hair then it'll become damaged.
If you aren't consistent with studying then you will not get the grade you want.
If you aren't consistent while taking birth control then there is a possibility of becoming pregnant.
If you aren't consistent with being on time for work then your ass will get fired sooner or later.
If you aren't consistent within a relationship then it will never work.
Y'all get the point!
So to better myself as a person I vow to be more consistent in any and everything I do because I want others to be able to depend on me when in need (even though they say you can never depend on anybody). I will try to be one time for anything I have scheduled. Actually, I'll create little deadlines for myself because that has actually been helping me out a lot lately.
I am calling 2016 not only my year but La'tura's year, Lacey's year, and Fantasia's year. This is Divine Artistries year. This is our year to become something far more greater than anything. I believe in us and I think that if we remain consistent then anything is possible.
(Yes, I had to highlight it because I am not playing. This is the TRUTH. They say speak it into existence and I shall claim it!)
Sorry for my semi emotional moment but....
Basically if you do not have consistency then nothing will turn out how you would want it to be.
So, if you are putting in time on a project make sure you are being consistent with everything you do because if you aren't then it could possibly be a waste of your time and lets be honest nobody likes their time to be wasted. I sure in the hell don't!
But how about you? Do you think you are being consistent enough in your life? Or rather, how do you think you can better yourself as a person?
On another note! Be on the lookout because there will be a new YouTube video from Divine Artistries featuring La'Tura showing her secret deep conditioner!
Thanks for your support, Terri